- Wildflowers
- 100% Wildflower Mixtures
Wildflower Seeds Mixtures 100%
Bees, Birds and Butterflies 100% Wildflower Seeds
Formulated specifically to attract bees, birds and butterflies in to your garden or meadow, containing a rich variety of species to attract a broad range of wildlife, including over 20 species approved by the Royal Horticultural Society as perfect pollinators.
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- Sow in the Spring or the Autumn
- Flowers from June to September
- Made up of mostly perennial species
- Can be sown into existing grassland
- Sow at 3g per metre square
Contains: Hemp Agrimony, Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Red Clover, White Clover, Foxglove, Greater Knapweed, Marjoram, Musk Mallow, Oxeye Daisy, Field Poppy, Sainfoin, Field Scabious, Small Scabious, Kidney Vetch, Viper’s Bugloss, Dwarf Sunflower, Meadow Cranesbil, Ragged Robin, Purple Loosetrife, Borage, Teasel, Common Knapweed, Cornflower, Goatsbeard, Wild Clary, Yarrow.