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Environmental Grass Seed

Eco-Clover Grass Seed

An attractiveenvironmentally friendly and hard wearing grass seed mixture that combines clover and ryegrass.

  • A mixture containing microclover to provide nitrogen for the grass
  • Drought tolerant qualities with good disease resistance
  • 50% amenity perennial ryegrass, 35% strong creeping red fescue, 12.5% chewings fescue and 2.5% microclover
  • Sow between 25-35g per metre square

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Great choice! Add Pre-Seeding Fertiliser for healthier grass and a spreader to make life a little easier!

Great choice! Add Pre-Seeding Fertiliser for healthier grass and a spreader to make life a little easier!


CSS3 Wildflower Meadow, also suitable for AB8

Use this mixture for Wildflower Meadows, also suitable for AB8 :

  • Provides rich habitat for butterflies, insects, birds & small mammals
  • An extended number of species of grass, legumes and wildflowers
  • Can be sown on its own or with other wildflower mixtures
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship AB8 GS4 GS8 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
    10% Hard fescue, 10% Slender Creeping red fescue, 15% Timothy, 10% Chewing's fescue, 20% Strong Creeping red fescue, 6% Smooth-stalked meadow grass, 4% Sheeps fescue, 1% Tall oatgrass, 1% Meadow foxtail, 10% Red clover, 2% Alsike clover, 1% Ribwort plantain, 2% Bird's foot trefoil, 2% Sainfoin, 1% Yarrow, 1% Self Heal, 1% Ox-eye daisy, 1% Lady's bedstraw, 1% Common Knapweed, 1% Wild carrot
  • Sowing rate: 15-20kg per hectare

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Great choice! Add Pre-Seeding Fertiliser for healthier grass and a spreader to make life a little easier!

Great choice! Add Pre-Seeding Fertiliser for healthier grass and a spreader to make life a little easier!
