- Grass Seed
- Paddock Seed
- With Ryegrass
With Ryegrass
Economy Horse Paddock Grass Seed
Renovating your paddock or sowing a new one doesn't have to break the bank! Designed specifically for fast, effective germination, this ryegrass mixture produces quick establishing paddocks suitable for a broad range of soils. This versatile mixture responds well to fertiliser application, making this suitable for hay cuts if required, all at the best value for money!
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- 80% perennial ryegrass, 15% strong creeping red fescue, 5% timothy
- Sow at 12kg/ac. Pack size: 12kg
Ensure even application throughout your paddock by using one of our seed spreaders.
Classic Paddock Grass Seed
Our Classic Paddock grass seed is our best selling mixture - combing top-quality grazing with the option of hay cutting. With great mid to late season performance and dense, hardwearing sward, there's no question as to why this is our most popular mixture!
- Can be used for a new paddock or for overseeding
- Suitable for a hay cut if required
- 20% early perennial ryegrass, 40% intermediate perennial ryegrass, 15% late perennial ryegrass, 20% strong creeping red fescue and 5% timothy
- Sow at 13kg/ac. Pack size: 13kg
Have you got horses that are prone to laminitis? Look towards our Choice Paddock ryegrass-free grass seed.
Herbal Paddock Grass Seed - With Ryegrass
Our herbal paddock with herbs provides a hard-wearing sward enriched with palatable herbs high in trace elements and minerals. This superior blend of ryegrass, herbs and a mixture of other grasses is suitable to enrich existing paddocks or for new sowings.
- Enriched with a variety of herbs – ribgrass, yarrow, burnet, sheep’s parsley
- 40% perennial ryegrass (2 varieties), 25% early perennial ryegrass, 20% strong creeping red fescue, 7.5% timothy, 5% smooth-stalked meadow grass and 2.5% mixed herbs
- Sow at 12.5kg/ac. Pack size: 12.5kg
Have a horse that's prone to laminitis? Head over to our Ryegrass Free paddock grass range.
Paddock Repair Grass Seed
Wanting a grass seed suitable to repair the worn out gateways and fence lines in your paddock? Our Paddock Repair does exactly that, both quickly and efficiently. Formulated as an all-ryegrass mixture, this is a hardy paddock seed with a persistent sward, suitable for areas prone to poaching.
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- 20% amenity perennial ryegrass and 80% agricultural perennial ryegrass
- Sow at 10kg/ac. Pack size: 10kg
Make sure you're getting the most out of our mixtures by ensuring even application with our seed spreader range.
Mixed Herbs
Wanting to add something special into your horses grazing? Our Mixed Herb selection is perfect for doing just that! A selection of perennial herbs have been carefully selected to increase the range of nutrients available to your horse. Both high in vitamins and trace elements, this mighty selection can be added into existing paddocks to help improve the diversity.
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- Graze paddocks in rotation after sowing the mixture
- Blend of: 30% Sheep's Parsley, 30% Sheep's Burnet, 15% Ribwort Plantain, 10% Fenugreek, 10% Sainfoin, 5% Yarrow
- Sow at 0.5kg/ac. Pack size: 2kg
Want this delightful mixture included in grass seed? Take a look at our Premium Herbal Grass range - with or without ryegrass.