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Ryegrass Free

Choice Paddock Grass Seed

A popular alternative to our ryegrass mixtures, Choice Paddock grass seed is the ultimate solution for your horse or pony paddock if laminitis is a concern and grazing output is not the main priority. High in fibre, yet low in sugars, this reduces grazing quality and suitable for those areas in drier, cooler, less fertile sites. 

  • Suitable for a hay cut if required
  • Can be used for a new paddock or for overseeding 
  • 40% strong creeping red fescue, 15% tall fescue, 10% timothy, 20% meadow fescue, 5.5% hard fescue, 7% cocksfoot, 2.5% smooth-stalked meadow grass
  • Sow at 12kg/ac. Pack size: 12kg 

Want to ensure even coverage across your paddock? Take a look at our seed spreaders.

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That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier

That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier

That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier


Herbal Paddock Grass Seed - Without Ryegrass

Are you wanting all the benefits of the Herbal Paddock Grass Seed but for your laminitic horse? Then take a look at our ryegrass free alternative! Simply herbal and low sugar, this paddock mixture is great if you're looking to watch grazing output. Formulated to include a mixture of fescues, meadow grasses and mixed herbs, this paddock seed is set to be a firm favourite for your laminitic horse. 

  • Enriched with a variety of herbs - ribgrass, yarrow, burnet, sheep's parsley 
  • 37.5% strong creeping red fescue, 15% meadow fescue, 20% tall fescue, 10% timothy, 5% hard fescue, 5% cocksfoot, 5% smooth-stalked meadow grass, 2.5% mixed herbs
  • Sow at 12.5kg/ac. Pack size: 12.5kg 
Looking for even application across your paddocks, head over to our seed spreaders for further information. 

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That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier

That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier

That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier


Premier Horse Paddock Grass Seed

Our Premier horse paddock grass seed is a top-quality mixture versatile to a range of different soil types. This long term, palatable grazing mixture is ryegrass-free, making this suitable for horses prone to laminitis. Formulated with a blend of fescues, timothy and meadow grass, this mix can tolerate close grazing whilst maintaining a tight sward, perfect for when you require early spring growth or a good hay yield

  • Can be used for a new paddock or overseeding
  • 30% meadow fescue, 35% strong creeping red fescue, 15% timothy, 5% hard fescue, 10% tall fescue and 5% smooth stalked meadow grass
  • Sow at 13kg/ac. Pack size: 13kg

Make sure you get even coverage of paddock seed by using one of our handy seed spreaders.

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That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier

That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier

That's a great choice - this will make life a bit easier


Mixed Herbs

Wanting to add something special into your horses grazing? Our Mixed Herb selection is perfect for doing just that! A selection of perennial herbs have been carefully selected to increase the range of nutrients available to your horse. Both high in vitamins and trace elements, this mighty selection can be added into existing paddocks to help improve the diversity

  • Graze paddocks in rotation after sowing the mixture 
  • Blend of: 30% Sheep's Parsley, 30% Sheep's Burnet, 15% Ribwort Plantain, 10% Fenugreek, 10% Sainfoin, 5% Yarrow 
  • Sow at 0.5kg/ac. Pack size: 2kg

Want this delightful mixture included in grass seed? Take a look at our Premium Herbal Grass range - with or without ryegrass.

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Great choice! Add Pre-Seeding Fertiliser for healthier grass and a spreader to make life a little easier!

Great choice! Add Pre-Seeding Fertiliser for healthier grass and a spreader to make life a little easier!
