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Westerwolds Ryegrass Seed - 1-2 year Ley

This annual form of ryegrass is very quick to establish, enabling you to produce crops in record time! Westerwolds are highly productive which grow for one year, with it's predominant use for silage, hay production, grazing and green manure. This crop is capable of producing large amounts of biomass in a short space of time

  • Sow from Spring through to Autumn 
  • Sow at 15kg/ac. Pack size: 25kg

Avoid autumn sowing as Westerwolds are not known for winter hardiness with frosts.

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Italian Ryegrass Blend - 1-2 year Ley

Our Italian Ryegrass blend includes three varieties in which stand up to two years of intensive cutting whilst keeping yields high. This agricultural mixture responds quickly and easily to fertiliser application, meaning you can get this crop up and away during Spring or Autumn.

  • Two diploid and one tetraploid Italian ryegrass varieties  
  • Versatile short term mixture 
  • Sow at 15kg/ac. Pack size: 25kg 

This mixture is also suitable for anaerobic digestion or silage. 

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Sprinter - 1 year Ley

This vigorous mixture produces large yields of high quality forage, responding well to added fertiliser application, even in periods of drought. Suitable for sowing after maize, this ley will continue to develop even with a late sowing and will last up to one year.

  • 50% tetraploid westerwolds, 50% tetraploid Italian ryegrass
  • Sow at 15kg/ac. Pack size: 25kg 

Typically sown in the Spring, this mixture is destined to provide at least two cuts in its harvest year. 

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Silage and Haylage - 1-2 year Ley

Our Silage and Haylage mixture does exactly what it says! Suitable for intensive cutting regimes, this ley performs extremely well producing exceptionally high yields. With rapid recovery, this ley ensures you get the best out of the mixture later on in the cutting season. 

  • 20% westerwolds, 25% hybrid ryegrass, 25% Italian ryegrass, 30% early perennial ryegrass 
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg

This mix responds well to a high Nitrogen regime making it suitable for anaerobic digestion.

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Cutter - 2-3 year Ley

Our Cutter Ley mixture combines Italian ryegrass varieties with Hybrid Ryegrass to achieve the perfect cutting mixture. A blend of diploids and tetraploids, this mixture enables you to achieve intensive cutting regimes for up to three years. The Cutter mixture results in excellent forage quality, making this versatile mixture also suitable for use in aerobic digestors. This mixture responds well to fertiliser input, resulting in good regrowth after cutting.

  • Blend of three Italian Ryegrass varieties and two Hybrid Ryegrass varieties
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg 

For a longer term ley inclusive of red clover, look towards our Cutter Plus Mixture

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Cutter Plus - 3-4 year Ley

An advancement on our Cutter Ley Mixture, our Cutter Plus contains additional red clover to produce high quality yields throughout the season. A combination of 75% hybrid ryegrass varieties ensures you get the top yields from your mix. The addition of red clover heightens quality and provides good disease resistance in the ley. 

  • Blend of three Hybrid Ryegrass varieties and 25% red clover
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg

Introducing red clover into the mix enhances the quality of the ley by adding protein into the crop

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Cut and Graze - 3-5 year Ley

Our Cut and Graze mixture does exactly that! A blend of ryegrasses with white clover combines quality grass cutting with year round performance to ensure you get the best of both with your ley! The high percentage of ryegrass allows a tight-knit sward suitable to withstand heavy traffic. This mix ensures high yields and quality leys for both cutting, grazing, as well as use within anaerobic digestors. Includes a blend of both diploid and tetraploid ryegrass varieties 

  • 35% Hybrid Ryegrass, 28% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 32% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 5% White Clover
  • No clover packs include an additional 5% Late Perennial Ryegrass 
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg

Take a look at the options below if you still want the best dual purpose mix, but without the clover! 

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