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Westerwolds Ryegrass Seed - 1-2 year Ley

This annual form of ryegrass is very quick to establish, enabling you to produce crops in record time! Westerwolds are highly productive which grow for one year, with it's predominant use for silage, hay production, grazing and green manure. This crop is capable of producing large amounts of biomass in a short space of time

  • Sow from Spring through to Autumn 
  • Sow at 15kg/ac. Pack size: 25kg

Avoid autumn sowing as Westerwolds are not known for winter hardiness with frosts.

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Cut and Graze - 3-5 year Ley

Our Cut and Graze mixture does exactly that! A blend of ryegrasses with white clover combines quality grass cutting with year round performance to ensure you get the best of both with your ley! The high percentage of ryegrass allows a tight-knit sward suitable to withstand heavy traffic. This mix ensures high yields and quality leys for both cutting, grazing, as well as use within anaerobic digestors. Includes a blend of both diploid and tetraploid ryegrass varieties 

  • 35% Hybrid Ryegrass, 28% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 32% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 5% White Clover
  • No clover packs include an additional 5% Late Perennial Ryegrass 
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg

Take a look at the options below if you still want the best dual purpose mix, but without the clover! 

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Meat and Milk - 5 year+ Ley

A high quality grazing and cutting mixture, carefully formulated to include a blend of both diploid and tetraploid varieties. This combination of ryegrass, white clover and timothy ensures longevity and is capable of producing quality leys for up to and over 5 years! Additional timothy adds winter hardiness whilst still providing good Spring yields; with the clover blend heightening palatability

  • 41% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 44% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 10% Timothy, 5% White Clover 
  • No clover packs include additional 4% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 6% Late Perennial Ryegrass with 5% Timothy
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg

Our Meat and Milk ley is capable of producing high yields for over five years! If you're looking for a short term dual purpose ley, take a look at our Cut and Graze Mixture!

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Permanent Pasture without Clover - 5 year+ Ley

A true all rounder! Suitable for cattle, sheep and poultry grazing this mixture ensures excellent Spring growth to allow early turn out. The inclusion of diploid varieties tolerates high stocking density, whilst the timothy ensures highly palatable summer forage! 

  • 25% Intermediate Tetraploid Ryegrass, 15% Intermediate Diploid Ryegrass, 30% Late Diploid Ryegrass, 20% Late Tetraploid Ryegrass, 10% Timothy
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg

If you're after this superior long term, dual purpose mix inclusive of clover, head towards our Permanent Pasture with Clover!

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Permanent Pasture with Clover - 5 year+ Ley

A true all rounder! Suitable for cattlesheep and poultry grazing this mixture ensures excellent Spring growth to allow early turn out. The inclusion of diploid varieties tolerates high stocking density, whilst the timothy and inclusion of a white clover blend ensures highly palatable summer forage! 

  • 20% Intermediate Tetraploid Ryegrass, 20% Intermediate Diploid Ryegrass, 20% Late Diploid Ryegrass, 20% Late Tetraploid Ryegrass, 15% Timothy, 5% White Clover
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg

If you're after this superior long term, dual purpose mix without clover, head towards our Permanent Pasture without Clover!

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Meadow Max - Old Fashioned - 5 year+ Ley

Inclusive of non-aggressive grass species, this mixture is the long term solution to providing a traditional ley for all requirements! Our Meadow Max ley suits a more environmental approach to agriculture and is tolerable of both wet and drought conditions. With a blend of fescues and timothy, this mixture allows for dual purpose uses such as cutting, grazing and taking hay cuts!

  • 35% strong creeping red fescue, 25% timothy, 24% meadow fescue, 8% smooth stalked meadow grass, 4% hard fescue, 3% rough stalked meadow grass and 1% meadow foxtail 
  • Sow at 14kg/ac. Pack size: 14kg.

This diverse mixture is suitable for sheep, cattle and poultry grazing providing highly palatable forage!

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